
A component for rendering Markdown content with support for GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) and custom component styling.


Basic Markdown

Render basic Markdown with support for bold, italics, lists, code blocks and more.

Markdown Example

This is a bold text and this is an italic text.


Unordered List

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

Ordered List

  1. First item
  2. Second item
  3. Third item

Links and Images


Inline code example.

// Code block example
function greet(name) {
  return `Hello, ${name}!`;

Markdown with Custom Components

You can customize how different Markdown elements are rendered by providing custom components.

Custom Components Example

Styled Headings

This is a custom styled H3

Custom Links

Click me to toggle theme

Custom Blockquotes

This is a custom styled blockquote with multiple lines of text.

Custom Lists

  • First item with custom styling
  • Second item with custom styling
  • Third item with custom styling


npx shadcn add ""

Component API


childrenstringMarkdown content to render
classNamestringAdditional CSS classes
componentsPartial<Components>INITIAL_COMPONENTSCustom components to override default rendering
...propsReact.ComponentProps<typeof ReactMarkdown>All other ReactMarkdown props

Performance Optimization

The Markdown component employs advanced memoization techniques to optimize rendering performance, especially in streaming AI response scenarios. This approach is crucial when rendering chat interfaces where new tokens are continuously streamed.

How Memoization Works

Our implementation:

  1. Splits Markdown content into discrete semantic blocks using the marked library
  2. Memoizes each block individually with React's memo
  3. Only re-renders blocks that have actually changed when new content arrives
  4. Preserves already rendered blocks to prevent unnecessary re-parsing and re-rendering

This pattern significantly improves performance in chat applications by preventing the entire message history from re-rendering with each new token, which becomes increasingly important as conversations grow longer.

For AI chat interfaces using streaming responses, always provide a unique id prop (typically the message ID) to ensure proper block caching:

<Markdown id={}>{message.content}</Markdown>

This memoization implementation is based on the Vercel AI SDK Cookbook with enhancements for better React integration.

Customizing Components

You can customize how different Markdown elements are rendered by providing a components prop. This is an object where keys are HTML element names and values are React components.

const customComponents = {
  h1: ({ children }) => <h1 className="text-2xl font-bold text-blue-500">{children}</h1>,
  a: ({ href, children }) => <a href={href} className="text-purple-500 underline">{children}</a>,
  // ... other components

<Markdown components={customComponents}>{markdownContent}</Markdown>

Supported Markdown Features

The Markdown component uses react-markdown with remark-gfm to support GitHub Flavored Markdown, which includes:

  • Tables
  • Strikethrough
  • Tasklists
  • Literal URLs
  • Footnotes

Additionally, the component includes built-in code block highlighting through the CodeBlock component.

Styling with Tailwind Typography

For the best typography styling experience, we recommend using the @tailwindcss/typography plugin. This plugin provides a set of prose classes that add beautiful typographic defaults to your markdown content.

npm install -D @tailwindcss/typography

When using the Markdown component with Tailwind Typography, you can apply the prose class:

<Markdown className="prose dark:prose-invert">{markdownContent}</Markdown>

Handling Code Blocks

As you've seen in our examples, code blocks within prose content can sometimes cause styling conflicts. The Tailwind Typography plugin provides a not-prose class to exclude elements from prose styling:

<article className="prose">
  <h1>My Content</h1>
  <p>Regular content with prose styling...</p>

  <div className="not-prose">
    <!-- Code blocks or other elements that shouldn't inherit prose styles -->
